Documenting Virtual Public Square concepts and usage.

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The psqr command line interface is a NodeJS command line interface to

Install the PSQR Command

Install psqr globally via npm:

sudo npm i -g psqr

At this point, the psqr command is available. Check the version to ensure that it executes properly.

psqr --version

Create a Self-Hosted Identity

Virtual Public Squares operate on identities that expose human readable information and public keys for cryptographic signature validation.These identities are tied to the domain that hosts them and changing the location or key information is disruptive, so plan ahead.


Select the domain that will host your identity. Ideally, this is a domain you control. If you have a WordPress site, use the WordPress plugin to host your new identity.

Identify the URL that will host your identity. In the case of a WordPress user, this is the URL of the user profile on the site. If you are creating an identity for the site as a whole, only the domain is required.

You will also need the name of entity being identified. This can be an entire site, an individual, or a publishing pseudonym. Additional optional information includes a profile image URL, a tagline, primary URL, an email address, a phone number, and a street address.

Note that the information used to create an identity is exposed to the public. Do not include private information. The email, phone, and street address fields are intended to promote businesses.

Create a New Identity

Convert the URL that will host your identity to PSQR DID format by replacing the slashes with colons as below:

The specified Key IDentifier ([KID]) determines where this new identity must be hosted and the name of the first key pair to be created. The files are generated locally, and the DID document must be made available to the public at the corresponding URL.

In practice, more information may be desired. Keep in mind that everything specified here goes into the identity and is available to the public.


psqr identity:new '' \
  --name "Bob Bobbert" \
  --image "" \
  --url "" \
  --tagline "Hey I'm bob" \
  --email "" \
  --phone "867-5309" \
  --address "111 Bobbert Street"