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Virtual Public Square Website Plugins & Widgets

Website widgets display a list, a feed or a set of search results in an iframe on a website. High traffic publishers use PSQR widgets to exchange referral traffic within a group, enhancing reach and engagement for all participants.

The Virtual Public Square WordPress plugin hosts did:psqr identities on WordPress site for the entire domain or individual authors.

Widget Components

The Ology Newswire Widget is composed of 2 components: the widget web page and the insertion script. The widget web page pulls in the content from a list specified in the url params and displays it in the desired format. The insertion script creates iframes on the page that it is loaded onto and sets the appropriate size.

Widget Web Page

The web page is located at and accepts the following url parameters:

You can create an iframe and add the widget url as a source but you will need to specify the width and height and any other styling for the iframe.

Widget Formats

Widget formats have default sizes that they will use. med-rect, wide-sky, and billboard are designed for those exact sizes but should be able to handle some slight variation. widget, responsive, and feed are more adaptable with widget and feed meant for tall sizes and responsive being the most adaptable.

Widget Insertion Script

The insertion script is located at It is best included in the beginning of the body but it can be included anywhere. It will search the page for a tags with the class js-ology-widget and convert them into iframes with the specified config and the appropriate size.

Anchor Tag

The anchor tag contains all of the configuration for the iframe you can specify the default src, custom styles, and breakpoint configuration. Here’s an example tag:

<a class="js-ology-widget" href="" target="_blank"
    style="background-color: rgb(227, 227, 227)"
        "0": {"width": 300, "height": 250, "format": "med-rect"},
        "576": {"width": 320, "height": 600, "format": "wide-sky", "src": ""},
        "992": {"format": "billboard"}
>Ology Newswire</a>

Breakpoint Config

The breakpoint config is a json string where each property is a breakpoint. The key is the minimum size for the breakpoint and the object can specify the format, src, width, and height.

Exchanging Referral Traffic with Website Widgets

1. Create an Identity and Publish

Use the psqr command to create key pairs and an identity to host on your own website. This identity will be displayed with your content, and the keys you create will be used to sign that content, proving it is yours.

The psqr command can be scripted to crawl sitemaps and RSS to publish new content to a Virtual Public Square. Refer to the CLI documentation for details.

Note that if your site runs WordPress, the Virtual Public Square plugin handles identity, publishing to a Virtual Public Square (soon), and PSQR Widgets as blocks (soon). The plugin supports root domain identity for the entire site, and identities for individual authors which share the author profile URL.

2. Find Collaborators

Reach out to other publishers you wish to exchange traffic with and ensuring they are publishing to the same Virtual Public Square on a regular basis and assemble a list of identities used by the group. These identities will form the basis of the content that appears in your widget.

3. Create a Feed and List

Using all of the identities in the group, create a feed to capture everything from any of the publishers in the group. This feed may be used to populate the widgets directly if low overhead is preferred and curation is not needed.

To support curation, create a list specifically for you site and schedule the psqr command to update it periodically. Grant curate permission on this list to an instance of the web application for granular manual control over widget contents, including removing specific entries and adding others at will.

4. Add a Widget to Each Site in the Group

Include a widget on each website as an iframe tag referencing the feed or list to display on that site. These widgets may all reference lists are curated individually, or they may share a singular list.

If the sites run WordPress, the Virtual Public Square plugin is used to add Widgets as theme blocks (coming soon).